Monday, October 15, 2012


Hello!  Glad you stumbled upon my blog, but I've got great news....

My new website has launched - be sure to check it out!

Here it is:

Friday, August 10, 2012

I've been thinking a lot lately about

my brand, my "style," my vision for the future, and I have so many ideas that my pinterest boards are quickly filling up, my goals notebook is constantly being used - it seems like I'm always jotting down ideas or concepts that I see.  When I'm driving around, even to the post office or grocery store, I'm looking out for new locations that would make excellent spots for sessions.  It feels really great that photography is constantly on my mind!  I'm finding a balance between family, photography, me time, and seizing every opportunity presented to me.

With that said, I'm setting a goal to start blogging, consistently!  Following other photographer's blogs brings me new inspiration and keeps me constantly wanting to learn.  For my clients and other photographers, I hope that my blooming blog inspires you and relates to you and your family. 

I've gotten to the point of not comparing my work to other photographer's, and it's pretty refreshing.  I'm falling into my own groove, and I'm always ready to be better - for myself, not so I can "be like" other photographers.  I can't believe I'm referencing Lil Wayne, but I recently heard a Mt. Dew radio commercial featuring him..."Don’t set out to be different...I set out to be me and people think it's different."

-Encourage one another.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Mommy and Me [Mom and baby H]

This was my first time visiting Whitnall Park and Boerner Botanical Gardens.  My first Mommy and Me Mini Session had begun.  Dad came along to help with baby H (and I really appreciated the help, getting baby to look towards me)!  We scoped out the park, drove to a good spot, and starting walking around.  I really loved the barn and knew the red would make for a great backdrop.  Little baby H was so curious and anxious to crawl around!  I'm pretty sure we ruined a pair of her socks during the shoot.  She was great!  Her bubbly personality, matched with her mommy's joy and love, really shines through.  These photos make me want more pictures of me and my own little one.

I picked up some gerbera daisies on my way to the park.  Baby H had fun with them!

This is my favorite shot from the session.  What great moments we captured to be forever treasured!  It's a little late, but I really hope all of you moms had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring News - Introducing the Referral Program

Today marks the official first day of spring!  I thought we should celebrate and start getting excited about being able to do more outdoor photo shoots  (I know I am!). 

As a "thank you" to clients who spread the word about Natalie Anne Photography, I'm starting a referral program.  For every 4 friends you refer to me, you will receive a complimentary full session and digital package.  The only fine print is that the referrals' session must be booked and paid in full in order for you to receive credit.  With today's social media, I highly rely on YOU to help my business grow!  I appreciate your support!

Happy Spring!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Some Favorites!

I'd like to share a few of my favorite photos from recent sessions!


All right - time to give this blogging a try!  I'm feeling refreshed after taking a photography class this weekend.  I'm inspired, driven, and READY to get things moving!  This winter weather wasn't the greatest for outdoor family photography, but with the forecast I saw tonight, spring is coming (and that means outdoor shoots!)

There are plenty of exciting things coming to Natalie Anne Photography!  A referral program, studio sessions, and more!

I hope that you'll enjoy checking in here - seeing new posts, commenting, and sharing in my love of photography.