Friday, August 10, 2012

I've been thinking a lot lately about

my brand, my "style," my vision for the future, and I have so many ideas that my pinterest boards are quickly filling up, my goals notebook is constantly being used - it seems like I'm always jotting down ideas or concepts that I see.  When I'm driving around, even to the post office or grocery store, I'm looking out for new locations that would make excellent spots for sessions.  It feels really great that photography is constantly on my mind!  I'm finding a balance between family, photography, me time, and seizing every opportunity presented to me.

With that said, I'm setting a goal to start blogging, consistently!  Following other photographer's blogs brings me new inspiration and keeps me constantly wanting to learn.  For my clients and other photographers, I hope that my blooming blog inspires you and relates to you and your family. 

I've gotten to the point of not comparing my work to other photographer's, and it's pretty refreshing.  I'm falling into my own groove, and I'm always ready to be better - for myself, not so I can "be like" other photographers.  I can't believe I'm referencing Lil Wayne, but I recently heard a Mt. Dew radio commercial featuring him..."Don’t set out to be different...I set out to be me and people think it's different."

-Encourage one another.